In the book of II Chronicles, chapter five, we are told that all the work of Solomon to build the house of the Lord was finished. This beautiful Temple was the vision of Solomon’s father King David who felt that God deserved a beautiful house of worship. King David’s hands were hands of war and were stained with much blood so he was not permitted to build this house of worship. King David’s part was the preparation of the material for this construction which would take place under the leadership of his son Solomon. The priest had brought in all the furnishings of the Temple and the Ark was placed in the Holy of Holies and it was now time for the dedication of the Temple.
On Dedication Day the singers were present dressed in white linen and there were harps, cymbals and 120 trumpets. As one they lifted their voices, the instruments were played and the trumpets sounded in praise, and thanksgiving, to the Lord God Jehovah. The Glory of the Lord filled the place and the priests were pressed down by the weight of God’s glory!
Solomon stands on the stage to offer his remarks of praise to God for the fulfillment of His word and to lead the ‘Dedication Prayer’. Solomon prays for God to protect the descendants of David, to be open to the prayers of His people, to forgive His repenting people, that God would forgive His people and remove any famine that might come upon them, that if there is a drought brought about because of sin that God would remove the drought when the people repent, the same request is made concerning pestilence, disease and locust. He prays that if strangers come into their land, that if they seek God, that God will welcome them. He also prays that if we are ever taken captive that God’s people will be faithful to pray for deliverance toward Jerusalem and that God will allow them to return.
After the ‘Dedication Prayer’ and the time of worship, and sacrifice, God answers the request of King Solomon’s prayer. The answer to the request of Solomon’s prayer is one of accountability, and responsibility, on the part of God’s people. What God requires of His people is found in II Chronicles 7:14.
God says, “If” conditional, “my people” responsibility falls directly on God’s people, “shall humble (meek, modest, respectful, unassuming) themselves” and “pray” only the humble will call on God, “seek my face” devoted to God’s desires, “turn from their wicked (appalling, terrible, mischievous) ways” to repent with a heart of regret, and sorrow, and return to Godliness. God closes His response with a promise, if these conditions are met, “I will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
With all the issues facing our country what can we do as believers? The answer is presented to us by our Heavenly Father in II Chron. 7:14! Now it is conditional and we can refuse to take any of the responsibilities, and blame everyone else, or we may humble ourselves and become part of the answer. Only truly humble people will openly confess, “We need to repent, and seek the Lord, if our nation is to survive.”