
When we study the Word we need to take time and study the life of those who were pointed out as great examples of faith. If faith, in God, is the foundation for victory that overcomes the world we need to pay attention.

In the book of Joshua one such person draws our attention and his name is Caleb. In Joshua 14 you’ll find a great conversation between Caleb and Joshua. In thinking of Caleb he comes to our attention when he is 40 years old and was selected by Moses to ‘spy’ out the land of Canaan while the nation is camped at Kadesh-barnea. Caleb’s name means ‘Wholehearted’ and his character, and life, lived up to his name. Only he, and Joshua, wold live, following the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, of a generation crippled by ‘unbelief’. Joshua, and Caleb, would not alloiw difficulties to ‘change’ their commitment to God’s promise, or, question God’s ability to perform what He had promised!

When we speak of ‘Faith’ that breeds ‘commitment’ to God, even in the face of the opposition from the ‘majority’ we can’t help but bring up the names of Joshua and Caleb. To many of ‘end’ our lives thinking about “what could have been” but not Caleb. His life ended on a ‘HIGH’ note of ‘faith’ that was led by obedience and victory! The cause of Christ, and His church, calls for more men like Caleb and Joshua.

What an exciting, and challenging, life Joshua would lead as he followed Moses, but don’t overlook the ‘testimony’ of the life3 of Caleb. I find not record of Caleb ‘falling out’ with Joshua because God chose Joshua to follow Moses. There was ‘no jealousy or envy’ with Caleb he remained a loyal servant first of all to God.

In Joshua 14:7 we notice the character of Caleb. Listen folks character is important it means ‘uprightness, honor, integrity (reliability, truth and moral fiber). The Bible says that Caleb spoke the ‘truth’ to Moses from his heart. A man who is right with his God , who in his heart trust in his God, is a man whose word can be trusted. Truth will always prevail even in the face of the strength of the enemy. We see Caleb’s character, and love, when he addresses those who disagreed with him as ‘brethren’ in Joshua 14:7. Remember that the ‘love of God’ suffereth long and is kind and is not easily provoked.

The devotedness of Caleb is seen in Joshua 14:8 where we are told that even in the face of the negative report from the ten spies Caleb said, “but I wholly followed the Lord my God.” Caleb was ‘devoted’ (fervent, loyal, dedicated) to his God’s Will, God’s Word, God’s Provisions and God’s Purpose. Caleb was ‘sold out’ and fearlessly committed to standing with his God. It was God that Caleb would praise for keeping him ‘alive’ these 45  years and allowing him to continue to serve. (Joshua 14:10)

In verse 11, of Joshua 14, Caleb’s testimony is that by the grace of God I am still strong enough to continue to battle to possess what God has given us. Because of his faith, and character, Caleb didn’t look for a ‘laid back’ assignment for the future. Joshua 14:12 tells us that Caleb said ‘give me this mountain’ for my assignment. A mountain inhabited by giants but one that I want to claim for God.

The church needs some more people like Caleb who aren’t looking for the ‘laid back’ assignment but for the glory of God, and by His grace, we’ll take the mountain.


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