
The ‘Come Back’ is underway and I am blessed! Last week we had the largest attendance (131), for Sunday morning ‘Time of Worship’, since the second week of March. I believe the trend will continue even though it may be slow. I understand the continual concern over the coronavirus but I firmly believe better days are coming. Health concerns, not related to the virus, still remain a challenge for some of our church family and some are dealing with the loss of loved ones.

 Thrown into all these issues is the civil unrest being witnessed in our country? It seems as if it isn’t one thing it’s another and we just want to say, “Give us a break, enough already!” Politicians are amazingly wrong as they suggest they have the answers while they are all part of the problems. I personally don’t care if people think I am ‘old fashion’, and out of touch, I still believe that Jesus Christ will change man. The problem with mankind is man! 

According to Ephesians 2:2, “..we are children of disobedience..” and in verse 3, “by nature children of wrath”. Jeremiah tells us in his book (17:9) , “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it.” What man needs is heart surgery! Listen what society needs today is not a new coat on every man but a new man in every coat! Folks as long as man is motivated with selfishness, pride, materialism and the “love of money which IS the root of all evil” things are not going to change!

When God delivered the children of Israel, from Egyptian bondage, and they marched through the Red Sea, it wasn’t long until He gave them the Ten Commandments to govern their delivered lives by. I understand that first of all the Ten Commandments are not to be considered suggestions they were to be honored because they came from Jehovah God. The first ‘commandment’ is this; “Thou shalt have no other gods (little ‘g’) before Me”. Please understand that if God isn’t FIRST the other commandments will not matter.

To really ‘KNOW’ God is to know Him through the ‘new birth’ by faith in the substitutionary, atoning, death of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” (John 14:6) Let me say this that I don’t look for an unbelieving world to honor the Word of God. I am astonished by those who profess to know Christ, as their personal Savior, that He is not give ‘PREEMENIENCE’ in their priorities of life. 

Paul told the saint in the church at Colossae, “And he is the head of the body, the church: wqho is the beginning, the firsborn from the dead; that IN ALL THINGS he might have the preeminenice.” Col. 1:18 (preeminence: supremacy, domination, renown, authority)


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